Introducing Keira Toastmasters
Thank you for visiting our website. We are here to help you and to answer your question so feel free to ask. Here is a brief introduction to Toastmasters.
What is Toastmasters?
Toastmasters is a leading training and educational organisation which teaches its members communication, leadership, training and management skills, and builds their self-confidence through enhancing public speaking skills. Toastmasters is an international organisation that has been serving its members for almost 100 years with oval 770 clubs in Australia and more than operates in over 140 countries around the world.
Why do people join Toastmasters?
People join Toastmasters in order to:
Develop the public speaking skills and leadership skills to help them in their work and personal lives
Improve their self-confidence before a group of people
Many other reasons
How can Toastmasters help me?
In a Toastmasters Club you will learn and improve by
Having a structured educational program
Provide you with training to improve your public speaking, confidence and leadership skills
Being in a supportive environment where other members help you achieve your goals
How much does it cost?
It is very inexpensive to join Toastmasters. After a joining fee of $30 which provides lifelong membership to Toastmasters, a costs around $90 every six months to be a member. This includes access to a wealth of resources to help you on your self-improvement journey.
How often does Keira Toastmasters meet?
Keira Toastmasters meet at 7:30pm on the first and third Monday of each month. We meet at Wollongong Golf Club, Cnr Corrimal and Banks St, Wollongong which is conveniently located in the heart of Wollongong. The meetings run for two hours and include a short mid meeting break.
How do I join Keira Toastmasters?
It’s easy. Simply contact one of the executive members who will be able to provide you with a membership application form and the details on how to join.
Other questions?
Feel free to ask any of our members. You can also email us at